Saturday, June 25, 2011


There will be established an institution called 'Jan Lokpal' at the Central Govt level and 'Jan Lokayukta' at each State Govt level. Each of them will have 10 members and one chairperson. Jan Lokpal will accept complaints against Central Govt. departments and Jan Lokayyukta will accept complaints against departments of that State Govt.
These will be completely independent of the government. Politicians and bureaucrats will not able to interfere in their functioning. They'll get whatever financial resources they ask for and they will be empowered to employ any number of employees that they need.

But don't we already have so many laws and institutions?
but still there is so much corruption!!

Corruption at High Levels!
Politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen are openly looting the nation. And no one goes to jail despite so much of evidence available against them in public domain.

Corruption at Low Levels!
Common man keeps struggling to get his most basic work done in govt dept. Whether it is ration dept or passport office, a citizen keeps running around till he pays up


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